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Iran stockt seine Truppen um Aleppo auf

iran_fighter_syria„Ahead of what it described as the battle of the bones in Aleppo, sources close to Iran’s Shi’ite Fatimiyoun militias said yesterday that passengers and cargo aircrafts had transported to the Damascus airport on Friday a large number of forces from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and several other militias linked to both Iran and Iraq. The sources added that as soon as they landed at Damascus International Airport, those fighters moved to positions in northern and southern Aleppo. Channels broadcasting news related to Fatimiyoun on the Telegram network had aired the details of a Revolutionary Guards‘ plan to start a wide battle in the coming few days from the axis of northern and southern Aleppo. Both the Syrian opposition and regime forces agree that the countdown for the last phase of the Aleppo battle has started when a truce announced by Russia last Friday has ended similar to previous ceasefires, without producing any result.“ (Caroline Akoum: „Iran Mobilizes In Aleppo … Opposition Prepares for Battle of Bones“)

Mehr zum Thema auf Mena Watch:

Iran hat 25.000 Kämpfer im Einsatz in Syrien



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