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Holocaust-Relativierer luden Labour-Chef zu Assad ein

„Jeremy Corbyn accepted a free trip to meet President Assad of Syria funded by the Palestinian lobbyists who organised an event this week at which Jews were blamed for the Holocaust. The Labour leader was taking part in a stunt to mark Balfour day, the anniversary of the signing of a British declaration in 1917 supporting a Jewish home in Palestine. Mr Corbyn’s hosts were the British-based Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), a campaign group which four days ago organised a House of Lords event demanding that Britain should apologise for Arthur Balfour’s promise.

Baroness Tonge, who chaired the meeting, resigned from the Liberal Democrats after an outcry over antisemitic remarks made by audience members. She later excused herself by claiming that she was unable to hear what was being said. The PRC said it denounced and rejected the comments but denied responsibility for them. Lady Tonge accompanied Mr Corbyn on the PRC trip to Syria in 2009. Mr Corbyn used the visit to allege that ‚once again the Israeli tail wags the US dog‘, an allegation popular with conspiracy theorists and antisemites.“ (Dominic Kennedy: „Palestinian lobby group paid for Corbyn to meet Assad in Syria“)

Mehr zum Thema auf Mena Watch:

Die britische Labour Party: Wo Antisemitismus zum guten Ton gehört

Klage gegen die Balfour-Deklaration: Palästinensischer Feldzug gegen die Geschichte

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