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Atomdeal mit Iran stärkt die radikalen Gegner des Westens

„Despite the nuclear deal, and the best efforts of Iran’s president and foreign minister, there will be no détente. In fact, just like in 1988 at the close of the war with Iraq, Iran will only become more ‚steadfast‘ in the face of ‚imperialism.‘ The nuclear deal may have slowed Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb but it has also fallen prey to the law of unintended consequences. It has forced the Iranian ‚deep state,‘ made up of the security and intelligence forces in concert with political hardliners, to re-emerge, reassert its authority, reassure its base, and show Iranians and the U.S. it won’t be pushed around. … Everything points to the IRGC further growing in power over the coming years. Soleimani has become something of a social media celebrity, with photos of him on various frontlines appearing across all the major platforms. Photos of Qods force commanders in Syrian trenches don’t appear by accident. It is clear that there is a concerted media campaign inside Iran to promote Soleimani as the face of a new and resurgent Islamic Republic.“ (David Patrikarakos, der Autor des Buchs „Nuclear Iran: The Birth of an Atomic State“, auf der Website des Tower Magazines: This Is Not What a „Moderating“ Iran Looks Like in the Wake of the Nuclear Deal)


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