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Wie Musik Jugendliche zu Killern macht

Songs, die den Terror und die Terroristen verherrlichen, werden in der Palästinensergebieten regelmäßig zu Hits, die Millionen Mal angehört werden – was wiederum den Terror schürt: „Songs in praise of stabbing are huge hits on Palestinian street, and may be motivators too. ‚Lovers of Stabbing,‘ most popular of stream of gruesome anthems, has over 5 million views on YouTube; manager of band asserts it directly inspired recent attack“, berichtet die Times of Israel: „Spend any length of time walking in the main streets of East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and you’ll hear ‚Lovers of Stabbing‘ – by far the most popular of a series of such hits – as well as similar songs calling for the killing of Israelis, blaring from cars, stores, and restaurants. Publicly, and without any embarrassment, individuals and businesses are playing songs whose lyrics blatantly call for the murder of Israelis via stabbing, vehicular attacks and other brutal means.  These ‚nationalistic and fiery‘ songs motivate youths to action, an article last month by the independent Palestinian Ma’an news website noted. Titled ‚Melodies of the revolution – inspiring boys and igniting the field,‘ the piece alleged that the songs ‚inspire the public toward resisting the occupation and standing in its face until achieving independence and freedom.‘ The catchy songs, it noted, ‚are characterized by mentioning the names of martyrs, praising their deeds, and challenging others to follow in the footsteps to be the next martyrs.‘“ (Der israelische Journalist Lee Gancmann in einem Artikel der Tageszeitung Time Of Israel: Songs in praise of stabbing are huge hits on Palestinian street, and may be motivators too)


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