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Antiisraelische Proteste bei Klimagipfel in Marokko

marokko_klimakonferenz„Hundreds demonstrated in the Moroccan capital Wednesday against the Israeli flag being flown beside the colours of 195 other countries at UN climate talks in the central city of Marrakesh. More than 200 people protested outside parliament in Rabat against the Jewish state’s flag being hoisted at the COP22 conference that opened Monday. ‚The Israeli flag at COP22 means Morocco symbolically recognizing the state of Israel. It’s unacceptable,‘ one protester told AFP. ‚Death to America, death to Israel!‘ demonstrators cried while burning the Israeli flag and parading anti-Israel placards.

Several pro-Palestinian associations took part in the protest after calling on authorities to take action about the flag earlier this week. On Tuesday, Morocco’s Foreign Minister Salaheddine Mezouar responded that ‚UN meetings around the world welcome all nations‘ and that the fight against climate change ‚requires all governments to commit‘.“ (Bericht auf Ynetnews: „Hundreds protest against Israeli flag in Morocco“)

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