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Wochenbericht, 19.1. bis 25.1.2015

…steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist, using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who…

Warum der Islamische Staat den Westen hasst

…at all. It reads: ‚What’s important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason…

Palästinenser schreiben an die Palästinasolidarität

…der antiimperialistischen Front steht: „Along these lines, it is our position that any discussion of Syria that neglects the central role of Bashar Al-Assad and his regime in the destruction…

Können Islamisten Schwulenhasser sein?

…Jews, gays, a lot of politicians, our soldiers. He had a lot of hate in him.” War er denn wenigstens Einzeltäter? Eine Frage, die sich nicht mehr stellt, seit sich…

Wochenbericht, 23.9. bis 29.9.2013

…angesichts der rücksichtslosen Gewaltanwendung des Regimes ihren Traum von einem freien Iran vorerst begraben mussten. „The firm belief of our people and government in enduring peace, stability, tranquility, peaceful resolution…

WOCHENBERICHT, 22.7. BIS 28.7.2013

…commanders to members as well as our various capabilities, are in the service of the resistance, and we have nothing but the resistance as a priority.” Dass die EU sich…

Wochenbericht, 2.3. bis 8.3.2015

…enemy of your enemy is your enemy. The difference is that ISIS is armed with butcher knives, captured weapons and YouTube, whereas Iran could soon be armed with intercontinental ballistic…

Der neue Einfluss der Ultranationalisten in der Türkei

…unseren Seelen islamisch. Ein Körper ohne eine Seele ist eine Leiche‘, lautet ein beliebtes nationalistisches Motto, das die MHP oft zitiert.“ (Tom Stevenson: „‚Our bodies are Turkish, our souls Islamic!‘…

Obamas Parteinahme für das iranische Regime

…Fallujah,‘ said the leader of one Iranian-backed Shiite militia. ‚It’s our chance to clear Iraq by eradicating the cancer of Fallujah.‘ That doesn’t sound like the kind of ally the…

WOCHENBERICHT, 12.8. BIS 18.8.2013

…and destruction in our dear land.” IV. Reaktionen in Österreich: Parteinahme für die Muslimbrüder Auf Österreichs Außenminister Michael Spindelegger, der sich ansonsten stets gerne als Fürsprecher verfolgter Christen auf der…

Wochenbericht, 10.11. bis 16.11.2014

…for extremism in Syria, and the President has made clear that Assad has lost all legitimacy to govern. Alongside our efforts to isolate and sanction the Assad regime, we are…

Ägypten: Kirchen als “Sicherheitsrisiko”

…when Egyptian President Sisi agreed for a memorial church to be built in Al-Our village, where 13 of the 21 Christians who were beheaded by the Islamic State in Libya…

Wochenbericht, 24.8. bis 30.8.2015

„Our positions against the usurper Zionist regime have not changed at all; Israel should be annihilated and this is our ultimate slogan“. Andere Vertreter des Regimes äußerten sich in ähnlich…

Warum John Kerry scheitern musste

…have since endured rocket fire and intermittent conflict as the reward for our withdrawal, even as we have been battered internationally for fighting back. We have witnessed Mahmoud Abbas’s West…

Obamas Anti-Terror-Bilanz

…Boston marathon, or Orlando. (…) Obama was just as slippery in claiming credit for domestic security: ‚No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland,‘…

Donald Ashton und Catherine Trump

…racism in our own time. We must remain vigilant against the dangers of hate speech and redouble our commitment to prevent any form of intolerance. The respect of human rights…