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Wochenbericht, 24.8. bis 30.8.2015

„Our positions against the usurper Zionist regime have not changed at all; Israel should be annihilated and this is our ultimate slogan“. Andere Vertreter des Regimes äußerten sich in ähnlich…

Iran: Aleppo ist eine Front der Islamischen Revolution

…its security outside its borders. ‚Our security has surpassed our geographic borders,‘ he said, adding that ‚exporting Islamic revolution‘ is one of the achievements of his country led by Supreme…

Wochenbericht, 28.10. bis 3.11.2013

…or accept that through your actions, it is your own professional sports representatives that will be punished.” Schließlich hofft Cohen, dass die Entscheidung des internationalen Tennisverbandes auch Auswirkungen auf andere…

„Wir geben einen Scheiß auf Assad“

…bitches. We’re only there for our own benefit. We’re defending our interests.‘ Slim says Hezbollah’s antipathy toward the Syrian government has been building for some time. ‚It is no secret…

Belgien: Stolz auf Holocaust-Relativierer!

…the values Luc Descheemaeker stands for.‘ Martine De Zutter, a senior faculty member, replied: ‚We are indeed very proud to have Luc associated with our school. His talent is of…

WOCHENBERICHT, 7.1. BIS 13.1.2013

…Frieden anbot. Daniel Gordis schreibt in derJerusalem Post über diesen vielfach als „zweite Intifada“ verniedlichten Krieg: „Those four years destroyed the Israeli political Left because they washed away any illusions…

Donald Ashton und Catherine Trump

…racism in our own time. We must remain vigilant against the dangers of hate speech and redouble our commitment to prevent any form of intolerance. The respect of human rights…

Die Farce der Pariser ‚Friedensverhandlungen‘

…it recently backed a Palestinian resolution in UNESCO denying any link between Jews and Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. Within days French President Francois Hollande announced that his government’s vote was the…

Sieht so Putins Rückzug aus Syrien aus?

„An American heritage organization says the Russian military is constructing a new army base in the central Syrian town of Palmyra, within the protected zone that holds the archaeological site…

Wochenbericht, 6.1. bis 12.1.2014

…solved by an agreement. It will not be solved by a speech. Anyone who promises that it’s possible to end the conflict within a year or two years or three…

Gegenoffensive in Aleppo

…in the southwestern government-held parts of the city within the first few hours of launching a battle to break the siege imposed on rebel-held areas. Al Jazeera Arabic’c Milad Fadel,…

Amerikaner erstochen, lasst uns das feiern!

„Fatah, the largest faction within the PLO, and the party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, celebrated the Tuesday murder of an American tourist in Jaffa on its Facebook page,…

Khamenei plant für die Zeit nach seinem Tod

…leader. As a result, the reform that so many within Iran and abroad seek can be successful only if initiated or supported by the supreme leader himself. By carefully managing…

“Zionistische Weltverschwörung beherrscht EU und USA”

…dominated by this (Zionist) network, and the Americans’ dealing with Iran’s nuclear issue should be understood within this particular framework.‘ Khamenei complained that an unnamed US official recently vowed to…

Wochenbericht, 9.6. bis 15.6.2014

…to seek the protection of coreligionists in Saudi Arabia or Iran … Hence, America’s continuing military presence allowed U.S. military officers and diplomats to exert enormous influence both within Iraq…

Wochenbericht, 3.12. bis 9.12.2012

…Sprecher der salafistischen al-Nour-Partei mit einer „islamischen Revolution“ drohte und die Errichtung eines „islamischen Staates“ für den Fall ankündigte, dass dem Präsidenten etwas zustoße, meldete sich seit längerer Zeit auch…

Wochenbericht, 2.9. bis 8.9.2013

…den Verständigungswillen Rohanis gewertet werden? Mag sein, aber Ahmari gibt zu bedenken: „(T)he fact that the regime repudiated it within 24 hours is evidence that Tehran remains hard-wired for resistance…

Wochenbericht, 17.8. bis 23.8.2015

…today no less than five different conflicts taking place within the borders of the country: the contests between the Sunni Arab rebels and the Assad regime/Hezbollah/Iran (the original war which…

WOCHENBERICHT, 11.3. BIS 17.3.2013

…partnership, and full sharing of roles within the family between men and women such as: spending, child care and home chores.“ In einer Familie im Rahmen der gottgegebenen Ordnung der…

Islamisten und Mehrheiten in Ägypten

…population to triumph in elections. They need a majority within the minority who vote.“ Und das sei einfach, weil die Islamisten am besten organisiert und ihre Wähler deshalb leichter mobilisierbar…

Die Vertreibung der Juden aus dem Irak

…in Iraq. Within a decade, almost the entire community had been chased out, joining a total of 850,000 Jews from elsewhere in the Arab world summarily dispossessed from their homes…

Syrien: Assad finanziert den Islamischen Staat

…Islamic State’s largest source of funds, replacing revenue the group once collected from tolls on the transit of goods and taxes on wages within its territory, the officials said. ‚Daesh’s…

Donald Trump und der Atomdeal mit dem Iran

…Core Was Not; Within Five Days, We Can Begin Enriching Uranium To 20%, Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1341, September 1, 2017. [4] IAEA, Report by the Director General: Verification…

Iran: Wachsende schiitische Kritik am religiösen Führer

…begonnen, sich auf verschiedenen Wegen für die Zurückdrängung des religiösen und politischen Einflusses des Iran in ihrem Land zu verwenden.“ (Geneive Abdo: „Iran‘s Facing a Mutiny From Within the Mosque“)…