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Nicht Siedlungen machen Frieden unmöglich

…as they consider Tel Aviv ‚stolen land‘ as much as the ‚pirate outposts,‘ peace is impossible. Focusing on the settlements is the tactic the Palestinians have invented since the Oslo…

Auschwitz-Gedenken in Jerusalem anlässlich des 75. Jahrestag der Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers (imago images/UPI Photos)

Deutsche Journalistin belehrt Israel über richtiges Gedenken

Die Tagesschau-Kommentatorin erklärt dem jüdischen Staat, wie er gefälligst an die Befreiung von Auschwitz zu erinnern habe. Filipp Piatov, Bild Der jüdische Staat ‚kapert‘ eine Gedenkveranstaltung zur Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers…

Wochenbericht, 17.8. bis 23.8.2015

…today no less than five different conflicts taking place within the borders of the country: the contests between the Sunni Arab rebels and the Assad regime/Hezbollah/Iran (the original war which…

Die Vertreibung der Juden aus dem Irak

…descended from the sages who, 27 centuries earlier, had made the land once known as Babylon the intellectual and spiritual center of Judaism. (…) By the time the violent mob…

Obama macht sich in Nahost zum Werkzeug der Russen

…for the Jabal al-Akrad front. In turn, Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper—which supports the Syrian regime—confirmed that Russian officers were present near the front-lines in the northwest of the country. ‚Russian officers…

Obamas Parteinahme für das iranische Regime

the Obama administration was keeping the Israelis off balance and proving to the Iranians that Washington had Benjamin Netanyahu on a short leash. The administration shared intelligence with a Hezbollah-controlled…

Machtkampf zwischen Iran und Türkei im Nordirak

„The most intriguing aspect of the Mosul campaign, however, has been the differing and often opposing agendas of the various components of the attacking force. These, with surprising rapidity, have…

Droht ein neuer Bürgerkrieg im kurdischen Nordirak?

…Tens of thousands of youths continue to migrate from the region. The once-touted Kurdish energy sector is being undermined legally and politically. Although the KRG exports about 600,000 barrels of…

Wochenbericht, 6.4. bis 12.4.2015

the sanctions be related to a process, the foundation of the negotiations would be senseless, since the goal of the negotiations was to remove the sanctions“. Das ist freilich nur…

Die lächelnden Gesichter des iranischen Terrors

…Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, touring Aleppo’s frontlines. The broadcast is the latest from the Iranian regimes propaganda push to get the full credit for the potential victory against a city…

Holocaust-Gedenken: Israels Fahne unerwünscht

The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. The Holocaust remembrance event is a yearly memorial march in remembrance of the deportation of Oldenburg Jews to concentration camps and the destruction of the

Die moralische Verkommenheit von „Spiegel Online“

…Saul David die Operation Thunderbolt im Titel seines Buches „Operation Thunderbolt: Flight 139 and the Raid on Entebbe Airport, the Most Audacious Hostage Rescue Mission in History“. In der Nacht…

Das Geständnis des palästinensischen Botschafters

…is sought to deny the Jewish connection to them. But that is exactly what the Ambassador says was the motivation behind the resolution! ‚Kuwait… sponsored and recognized fully that the

Kampf um Mossul: Eine vertane Chance

…compared to what could be achieved if Washington and Baghdad had worked together on a political track. The militants’ perseverance in the face of the advancing government forces and the

Im Museum fand die erste Diskussionsveranstaltung zum Antisemitismus auf der documenta statt

Antisemitismus auf der documenta: Schlecht beraten

…exists outside of the individual racist. They find it easier to look within themselves and to find they are not intentionally antisemitic – indeed they are opponents of antisemitism.« (Hostility…