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Wo Djihadisten als Demokratieverteidiger gelten

djihadisten-tuerkei„When Turkish President Erdogan called for people to take it to the streets, first to heed the call were the Jihadist armed mobs that had gone to fight and gain experience in killing in Syria. They were one of the first to participate in the armed clashes in the streets. (…) When the so-called ‚civilians‘ rushed to the streets, people started to notice that these ‚civilians‘ were well trained in street fights, arms, organizing and door-to-door combat. Then came the proof that these ‚civilians‘ were actually jihadist terrorists whom the Turkish government and the state allowed to slip in and out of Syria, fighting the Kurds and Syrian government forces. They were organized and sent to Syria for military training and experience by the Islamic terrorist group IBDA-C.“

(Bericht auf „The ‚Democracy Warriors‘ of Turkish ruling party AKP are the Jihadists from the Islamic Terror Organization IBDA-C!“)

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