Im iranischen Maschhad wurde unlängst ein Freizeitpark für Kinder im Alter von 8 bis 13 Jahren eröffnet. Nach einem Riesenrad, einer Hochschaubahn oder Rutschen und ähnlichen Vergnügungen sucht man dort allerdings vergeblich, denn die „Stadt der Spiele für revolutionäre Kinder“ hat nur einen Zweck: Die Kinder ideologisch im Sinne der islamistischen Diktatur zu indoktrinieren und den Hass auf die USA, Israel und Saudi-Arabien zu schüren. Der Direktor der Einrichtung erläuterte im Interview mit einem den Revolutionsgarden nahestehenden Medium, was den Kindern auf den 12 verschiedenen Stationen des Parks geboten wird
„Next, the children enter the first station of the Holy Defense, which houses the dome of the Tomb of Imam Reza [the eighth imam]. Like the fighters during the eight years of the Holy Defense, the children take leave of the Imam Reza and set out for the [battle]fronts.
The children follow various paths simulating fighting the enemy, and at some places, the children learn about simple [combat] methods such as firing plastic artillery shells at a simulated enemy as well as aiming and firing a rifle with plastic bullets at [an effigy] of Netanyahu and at U.S. and Israeli flags. Here the guide tells the children a story about some of the operations that were carried out during the eight years of the Holy Defense.
[After] the children are victorious in the war, they enter the station of the defense of the Shrine of Zaynab [the granddaughter of Muhammad and the daughter of Ali, who according to Shi’ite tradition is buried in Damascus] and learn about defending the holy places, about the fighting in Syria against ISIS, and about anti-ISIS thought. (…)
After that, the children have a contest throwing balls at effigies of ISIS and the Saudi royal family, and finish the station [activity] in triumph. (…) At the final station, the children learn that the most important element[s] for attaining victory are wisdom and intelligence for fighting the enemy.
At this station, the children are blindfolded and asked to throw a ball at an Israeli flag in the form of a puzzle and knock it down, and then to assemble a puzzle of an Iranian flag.“