„The Palestinian leadership continues to destroy every chance the Palestinians might have of becoming a genuine, internationally recognized nation by insisting on demands they know the Israelis will never meet. These include the right of return for more than 11 million Palestinians to a country of eight million, and refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The Israelis correctly understand both demands not as a desire to have a Palestinian state, but as a desire to have Israel’s state. That impression can only be confirmed every time anyone looks at a map of Palestine: by pure coincidence, of course, it is identical to the map of Israel, only the names are different. …
Historically, the Palestinian ‚liberation organizations‘ have had no ideology or motivation beyond the destruction of the State of Israel. They are all proxies of the countries funding them, instead of acting in accordance with the authentic national interests of the Palestinian people. In the instance of the three Arab Israeli legislators, they evidently followed instructions from the Iranians. Instead of bringing jobs, water and better education — as they promise when they stand for election — they sell out their people for a few crumbs of headline attention. They self-importantly parrot the Iranian line with no regard for the needs of the people who voted for them. They cynically exploit their parliamentary immunity and the defense provided them by a country they call their sworn enemy, in order to support Hezbollah and Iran, which are comfortably manipulating them.“ (Der palästinensische Wissenschaftler und Journalist Bassam Tawil auf der Website des Gatestone Institute: „The Historic Betrayal of the Palestinians“)