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Wie wenig wissen Geheimdienste über Syrien-Rückkehrer?

sarfo„Since his arrest on terrorism charges, German militant Harry Sarfo has been an unusually talkative Islamic State recruit, granting interviews from prison that were carried on front pages and news broadcasts across Europe and the United States. German authorities permitted the access to Sarfo, whose story seemed to represent such a cautionary tale. He described atrocities he witnessed in Syria and the Islamic State’s efforts to enlist him for plots in Europe, always emphasizing that he spurned these approaches before making an improbable escape. But in depicting himself as a disillusioned fighter who refused to commit violence, Sarfo left out some potentially incriminating scenes.

Previously unreleased video shows Sarfo moving doomed hostages into position for a public execution in Palmyra last year, and then apparently firing his own weapon at one of the fallen men. Rather than resisting involvement in the gruesome propaganda spectacle, Sarfo is shown shouting Islamic State slogans to whip up the gathering crowd, pledging his loyalty in a pre-execution huddle and raising his fist in celebration at the burst of machine-gun fire. The footage is at odds with almost every account Sarfo, 28, has given of his time in Syria, including his statements to German authorities that he merely ‚stood on the side‘ while the shooting took place and adamantly ‚said no to the killing.‘ The video serves as an alarming example of how little European security services know about hundreds of militants returning to the continent after fighting in Syria – often with the Islamic State.“

(Souad Mekhennet/Greg Miller: „This ISIS defector said he was an innocent bystander. A new video questions his story“)

Mehr zum Thema auf Mena Watch: Das Terrornetzwerk des Islamischen Staates in Europa


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