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Wer ist für die Lage palästinensischer Flüchtlinge verantwortlich?

shuafatIn einer ausführlichen Reportage für die New York Times widmete sich eine amerikanische Schriftstellerin der bedauerlichen Lage der Menschen im palästinensischen Flüchtlingslager Shuafat in Jerusalem. Und wie so oft, wenn es um das Leid palästinensischer Flüchtlinge geht, wurde der historische Kontext zugunsten einer manipulativen Darstellung beiseitegelassen, wie Jonathan S. Tobin festhält:

„People are in Shuafat and every other Palestinian refugee camp because the Arab world and its leaders and organizations have kept them there for some 68 years. In the years that followed World War II, conflicts created hundreds of millions of refugees in Europe and Asia. Only the Palestinians were kept in camps and deprived of the opportunity to be resettled elsewhere.

Indeed, the United Nations set up two separate refugee agencies in that era: one – UNRWA – that was solely devoted to the Palestinians and one for everyone else in the world. The latter was successful in caring for and finding new homes for its charges. UNRWA kept the Palestinians in the camps, and the Arab nations and Palestinian groups have ensured that this remains the case up until the present day. The sole purpose of keeping the refugees and their descendants – who now number in the millions – in place was to use them as a weapon against Israel. They sit in camps like Shuafat still being told that someday they will return to their old places of residence when Israel ceases to be a Jewish state. (…)

Israel may be accused of lacking sympathy for the refugees, but it lacks the power to improve conditions in Shuafat or other camps in the West Bank, let alone Hamas-run Gaza. The responsibility belongs solely to UNRWA and the Palestinian leadership, both of which remain content to continue the same cynical policies.“

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