„Wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have killed hundreds of thousands of people. Enforced disappearances, torture and extremist attacks infringe on human rights worldwide. Tyrannical, autocratic leaders and their allies from Belarus to Burundi repel dissent with an iron fist. But while human rights abuses are legion in these troubled times, only one country has its record inspected at every single session of the United Nations Human Rights Council: Israel, over its policies in the occupied Palestinian territories. (…)
As the council convened Monday in Geneva for its second, weeks-long session this year, ‚Item 7‘ considers the human rights implications of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory. The standing item at the 10-year-old council has come to exemplify the spotlight on Israel in a number of U.N. bodies. (…) Of 233 country-specific HRC resolutions in the last decade, more than a quarter – 65 – focus on Israel. About half of those are ‚condemnatory.‘ Israel easily tops the second-place country in the infamous rankings: Syria, where since 2011 at least 250,000 have been killed, over 10 million displaced, and swaths of cities destroyed, was the subject of 19 resolutions.“
(New York Times: „World in Chaos, Israel Gets Singular Focus at UN Rights Body“)