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Warum Obama die syrische Bevölkerung im Stich gelassen hat

„For a man of Barack Obama‘s evident humanity and values, surely there has been something of transcendent importance that has stayed his hand from protecting Syrian civilians; something of paramount national security significance that has stopped him from acting in support of American friends and allies trying desperately to deal with the hemorrhage of humanity from Syria. Thanks to Ben Rhodes and his chronicler we know now what it has been: pursuit of a nuclear agreement with Assad‘s premier long-term enabler and partner in mass murder: Iran. (…)

Were it not for their enormous suffering, millions of Syrian civilians might find humor in the reason for their abandonment: a desire by the American president to disentangle the United States from long-term cooperative regional relationships. Were it not for the tens of thousands of rockets and missiles pointed at them by Irans Lebanese militia, Israelis might enjoy the irony of it all. The only players in this drama who need neither humor nor irony to appreciate the importance and value of what is being undertaken are Iran and Russia.

(Frederic C. Hof, ehemals Präsident Obamas Berater zur Transformation Syriens, erläutert, warum die Obama-Administration die Syrer im Stich gelassen hat, um einen Deal mit dem Iran zu schließen: „Beating the Blob and Disentangling from Partners“.)

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