„A rising tide of protests inside Iran has triggered a brutal backlash by the clerical authorities. Acknowledging the serious ‚threat‘ posed by recent demonstrations and mass protests involving teachers, truck drivers, street vendors and trade unionists, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told a meeting of senior security officials this week that further repressive measures throughout the country were now a ‚high priority.‘ Seven thousand additional plain-clothes ‚morality police‘ have been deployed only in Tehran to clamp down on women accused of ‚bad hijab‘ and other breaches of morality. Crackdowns on social media and the press have also been ordered. … While the West continues to applaud the smiling President Hassan Rouhani, the reality is that since he took office in 2013, at least 2,300 men and 66 women have been executed in Iran, many of them hanged in public. In April this year alone, there were 57 hangings, including four women. …
Indeed only last week Rouhani travelled to Kerman in South-Eastern Iran, the hometown of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the Quds Force commander, to heap praise on this leading terrorist, who has been involved in some of the worst atrocities in Syria and Iraq. The IRGC and the Quds Force supply arms, money and military personnel to every Middle East conflict zone. Iran’s main export is terror. As well as Yemen’s Houthi rebels, Iran funds and supplies Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, Bashar al-Assad in Syria and the brutal Shi’ite militias in Iraq. This is the real Iran under the theocratic rule of the Ayatollahs, whose so-called ‚moderate‘ president Rouhani the West believes it can do deals with.“ (Der Präsident der European Iraqi Freedom Association Struan Stevenson in einem Beitrag für die Nachrichtenagentur United Press International: „Iran cracking down on protests, ramping up ‚morality police‘“)
Mena Watch zur im Beitrag angesprochenen Rede Rohanis in Kerman: Rohanis Loblied auf den iranischen Terrorpaten