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Sprecher der palästinensischen Sicherheitskräfte zum Terror in Brüssel: “Europa brennt in seinem eigenen Feuer”

„The West has brought a wave of Islamist terrorism on itself as a result of European colonialism, a senior Palestinian Authority official said on Facebook on Wednesday, a day after Islamic State-linked terrorists killed at least 32 people in coordinated blasts across the Belgian capital.

‚Those who prepare the poison will taste it themselves, and now Europe is having a taste of what it prepared with its own hands,‘ PA security forces spokesman Adnan Damiri wrote in a post on the social media site. … ‚Today, Europe’s airports and squares are burning in their own fire,‘ he wrote. Damiri also slammed the West for ‚supporting and justifying‘ the ‚export of Jewish terror to Palestine.‘“ (Bericht in der israelischen Tageszeitung Times of Israel:PA official: Europe, US ‚burning in their own fire‘“)

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