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Wie reagieren die USA auf russischen Streubomben-Einsatz?

Von Thomas von der Osten-Sacken

Gestern fragte ich, wie wohl die Reaktionen ausfallen werden, wenn kaum noch zu verleugnen ist, dass die russische Luftwaffegezielt  Streubomben und weißen Phosphor in Syrien einsetzt: „Was jetzt geschehen wird? Vielleicht protestiert ja das US-State Department. Und irgendwer wird vermutlich eine Petition bei lancieren. Ein europäischer Außenminister wird, sollte er die Zeit finden, auch noch erklären, dass er sehr besorgt sei und nur Diplomatie diesen Konflikt lösen könne.“

Das State Department hat inzwischen reagiert, es mahnt Russland und Assad vorsichtiger bei  vorzugehen und bei seinen Bombardements besser zwischen Terroristen und Zivilisten zu unterscheiden. So kritisiert man üblicherweise in diplomatischer Sprache Verbündete, die etwas über die Stränge zu schlagen pflegen.

„QUESTION: I’m sure you’ve seen the letter that Riyad Hijab has written to the secretary-general asking for an investigation into what he says is Russia’s use of banned incendiary aerial weapons in Syria, particularly in Aleppo; his demand for protection of Syrian civilians from those weapons; and his call on member-states to – call for member-states to impose consequences for repeated breaches such as this. Do you support his call for such an investigation?

MR KIRBY: Well, let me say first we’ve seen the letter that he submitted. We’re not in a position now to confirm the veracity of his claims. That said, we take those claims and those allegations very, very seriously. And the other thing I’d say is regardless of what weapons the Russians are employing – and I’m not saying that we wouldn’t take these allegations seriously of this particular type of weapon, which, if true, would be deeply concerning. That said – and it’s important for me to have said that – regardless of what weapons they’re using, they shouldn’t be striking groups that are committed to the counter-ISIL fight or to civilians, as we saw – as we’ve seen in the past and certainly saw earlier in al-Tanf down in the south.

The only other thing I’d say is – and we’ve said this before, but Russia and the Assad regime need to be more careful about distinguishing between terrorists, civilians, and parties to the cessation of hostilities.“

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