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Palästinenserpräsident Abbas: »Ganz Israel ist eine Besatzung«

„Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas speaks in different languages to different audiences. To his own Palestinian population Abbas defines all of Israel as an ‚occupation.‘ In an interview on official PA TV, Abbas stated that Palestinians have been occupied since Israel’s establishment in 1948:

‚We have been under occupation for 67 or 68 years (i.e., since Israel’s establishment in 1948). Others would have sunk into despair and frustration. However, we are determined to reach our goal because our people stands behind us.‘
[Official PA TV, March 11, 2016]

To foreign audiences, however, Abbas implies acceptance of Israel’s legitimacy, pledging that he is in favor of the two-state solution with Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in peace.  … Yet, Palestinian Media Watch has documented numerous times that to Palestinians Abbas communicates the opposite. He uses all the communication infrastructures under his control to emphasize the message that all of Israel is ‚Palestine.‘“ (Itamar Marcus und Nan Jacques Zilberdik von der israelischen Organisation Palestinian Media Watch: „PA Chairman Abbas: All of Israel is an ‚occupation‘“)


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