Wer immer glaubt, der Krieg in Syrien könne mit der Eroberung Ost-Aleppos durch regimetreue Truppen seinem Ende entgegengehen, der möge Präsident Assad zuhören. Denn der hat noch einiges vor: nach den „Terroristen“ stehen die Kurden und die Türkei auf seiner Liste:
„The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday that the Syrian constitution doesn’t allow federalism and that the federal structures created by the Kurds in northern Syria ‚are temporary‘. This although the majority of Syrian Kurds want federalism or decentralization in areas under the control of Kurdish forces. (…) ‚They take advantage of the absence of the state in a number of areas in the north in order to create specific social structures, which take a political form, in order to manage people’s affairs, and they talk about federalism. These are temporary structures,‘ he said about Rojava. (…)
Moreover, the Syrian president did not rule out a clash with the Turkish army in Syria. ‚As long as the Turkish policy is run by an abnormal and psychologically-disturbed person like Erdogan, we have to expect all possibilities,‘ Assad said.
‚But ultimately, when there is Turkish interference, Syria has the right to defend its territories. This is self-evident, and we will of course do it. Now there are military priorities, but in principle we certainly have the right,‘ he added.“
(ARA News: „Assad says Kurdish federal zone in Syria ‚temporary‘“)