„The Shia leaders of the so called Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) – a grouping of Pro-Iran jihadists militias – are continuing to threaten Turkey. The last case happened with the threats of the leader of the militia Liwa Abu Al Fadl al-Abbas, Sheikh Aws al-Khafaji. In a video message, he threatened to kill Turkish troops during the Musul offensive and to force the troops of Ankara to withdraw from Iraq. Before the Sheikh Aws al-Khafaji, also the leader of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Ameri, has threatened to attack and kill Turkish soldiers. Also the Iraqi Shia ‚celebrity‘ Abu Azrael, published a video in which he insulted Erdogan, calling him a monkey and a rabbit.“ (Videos auf Good Morning Iran: „Iraq, #MusulOffensive: Pro-Iran Shia militias insult Erdogan and threaten to kill Turkish troops“)
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