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Kurdische Oppositionsgruppen im Iran planen, sich gegen Regime zusammenzuschließen

„Iranian Kurdish opposition parties are trying to form one joint Kurdish front in the face of the threats of the Iranian government against Kurds in Iranian Kurdistan. Mohamed Nazif Qadiri told BasNews on July 27 that six Iranian Kurdish opposition sides have met twice over the past weeks, and in their next scheduled meeting they will discuss the necessity of forming a joint front as well as supporting the Kurdish political and civil movements inside Iran. ‚Political disputes however are the major obstacles in creating the front,‘ Qadiri said. (…)

After two decades of a cessation of military operations against Iran, the Iranian Kurdish opposition forces have now resumed their military struggle against Iran to fight for freedom and the rights of Kurds in the country. Since the resumption of their military activities in Iran’s Kurdish north west, ongoing military confrontations have been taking place between the Iranian troops and Kurdish forces. Moreover, the Iranian army conducted offensives against the Iranian Kurdish forces on the border areas between KRG and Iran, which have resulted in the wounding of a number of civilians and damaging their properties.“

(Bericht auf BasNews: „Iranian Kurdish Oppositions to Form a Joint Front Against Tehran“)

Mehr dazu auf Mena Watch: Nehmen kurdische Peshmerga-Einheiten ihren bewaffneten Kampf gegen den Iran wieder auf?

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