Auch wenn Mosul schwer umkämpft ist, lässt sich der Islamische Staat keineswegs davon abhalten, sein Kalifat weiter zu „säubern“, denn – so das Scharia-Gericht des IS – jeder Homosexuelle gehöre erniedrigt und getötet:
„Islamic State’s (ISIS) jihadists on Wednesday executed a young Iraqi man by throwing him from the top of a building on charges of being gay. The 17-year-old victim was arrested by the ISIS-led Islamic Police, also known as Diwan al-Hisba, in the city of Mosul in Nineveh Governorate under the pretext that he was ‚a homosexual‘.
‚He was brutally thrown from the top of a building in front of a large crowd of people in Mosul downtown,‘ local sources told ARA News. ISIS has also released footages showing a group of militants pushing the teenager off a roof. The ISIS-linked Sharia Court had issued a decision to execute every gay man by throwing him from the top of a building.“