„It looks like summer camp with the bonfires, the obstacle courses, the young children running around the park grounds; except its jihadi training set up by Iran’s regime to prepare young children for the ‚conquering of Tel Aviv.‘ New alarming images are emerging from Iran’s ‚Sixth National Children’s Memorial,‘ in which children appearing to be as young as 6 are holding weapons and dressed in military apparel. The gathering, held in a park in the country’s southern Fars province in the county of Lamerd, called for the ‚conquering of Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,‘ with a set goal to disseminate ‚holy defense values.‘ … The use of child soldiers is nothing new for Iran’s government who began using child soldiers as soon as they replaced the Shah in Iran’s 1979 Revolution, sacrificing more than 100.000 young children in the Iran Iraq War, that lasted from 1980 to 1988.“
(Die journalistin Lisa Daftari auf der Nachrichtenplattform The Foreign Desk: Children of Jihad: Iran trains kids for war against U.S., Israel)
Israel > Israel – Internationale Beziehungen > Israel - Beziehung zum Iran > Iran lässt Kindersoldaten den Kampf gegen Israel trainieren
Iran lässt Kindersoldaten den Kampf gegen Israel trainieren
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Israel > Israel – Internationale Beziehungen > Israel - Beziehung zum Iran > Iran lässt Kindersoldaten den Kampf gegen Israel trainieren
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