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Iran hat 25.000 Kämpfer im Einsatz in Syrien

iran_fighter_syria„Iran commands a force of up to 25,000 Shiite Muslim militants fighting in the Syrian civil war, a majority of them from Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to former Shin Bet chief Avi Dichter, who now chairs the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. In a briefing with a delegation from the Swiss parliament, Dichter, a Likud MK, also echoed warnings issued previously by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials who have said that Iran has not abandoned its aspirations to develop nuclear weapons and was playing a long game with the West, despite the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal with western powers. (…)

‚Up until a year and a half ago, Iran was the reason for regional instability. It’s amazing and sad to see how among Western states, it is now perceived as a stabilizing force,‘ Dichter said. Dichter also warned of Iran’s global aspirations as a Mideast power, explaining that the Islamic Republic’s ‚dream is to control Islam’s holiest sites – Mecca and Medina.‘ (…) In Syria, Dichter said the ‚foreign legion‘ of 25,000 was sent to fight Sunni rebels opposed to Iranian ally President Bashar Assad, and not only against the Islamic State terror group. Dichter said that fighters from Iranian proxy Hezbollah were dispatched to Syria because the Lebanese terror group’s militants were more suited to guerrilla warfare and to fighting against terrorist organizations, unlike soldiers from the Iranian military who are versed in fighting other armies.“ (Bericht in der Times of Israel: „Iran has 25,000 Shiite fighters in Syria, says ex-Shin Bet chief“)

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