„An IDF battalion commander stationed on Israel’s border with Lebanon on Wednesday said the Hezbollah terror group’s recent activity was ‚reminiscent of what they did before the Second Lebanon War.‘ … ‚The other side is obsessively gathering [information] about everything happening here, everything our security forces [are doing],‘ Elbaz said.‚Right now they’re up to their necks in the war in Syria, but we still see them walking around‘ and scouting the Israeli positions, he said. It’s ‚reminiscent of what they did before the Second Lebanon War,‘ he added. …
Earlier this month, the IDF’s deputy chief of staff said the Lebanese group’s improving capabilities deeply concerned Israel. Major General Yair Golan said that could result in ‚full-scale war,‘ including a harsh response from the Israeli military. ‚Comparing that to anything we’ve experienced before, no doubt, this is the most severe threat we’ve ever experienced before,‘ Golan said. Of a possible future crisis, he said ‚we’re not going to see small war in Lebanon. It’s going to be decisive. It’s going to be full-scale war.‘“ (Bericht in der israelischen Tageszeitung Times of Israel: „IDF officer: Hezbollah gearing up for war, just like in 2006“)
Mehr zum Thema auf Mena Watch: „Vor dem nächsten Krieg gegen Israel?“