„Activists revealed photos and information pointing to the real person claimed to be a commander in Nusra Front, who had been interviewed by the German, well known journalist: Gorgen Todenhofer. Activists confirmed that the Abu al-Ez, who was introduced in the interview as commander in Nusra front, is called Ahmed Shiekh al-Diaa, nicknamed as Ahmed al-Azo. Activists added that he is a known bully ‚Shabih‘ from the village of Haribel in the regime-controlled southern countryside of Aleppo, the same place where the interview was do, not like what mentioned in an area controlled by Fatih al-Sham. Todenhofer, a former member of the parliament and the Christian Democratic Union Party. He is known of his closeness to Basher al-Assad and his close circle, including Shahrazad, daughter of Syria’s Ambassador to United Nation: Bashar al-Jafari. (…)
In the interview with Abu al-Ez, Zaman al-Wasl was able to pick up many faults, either in the appearance of Abu al-Ez, the Nusra front’s commander, and from his way of talking and expressions he used, which did not go with principle of jihadists. For example when he talked Khalid Bin al-Walid, and does not precede his name with the title al-Sahabi, and does not follow it with the phrase (may Allah be pleased with him). He said, ‚our aim is to overthrow the dictator regimes, the tyrannical regimes, and apostate regimes, and perform conquests as Khalid Bin al-Walid did in the past, do (conquests) in the Arab world and move to Europe.‘ In the beginning of his talk, without any introduction, Abu al-Ez explained that they are connected to Qaeda, and Israel is happy them as they fight Hezbollah, moreover he confirmed that Nusra Front receive support front the United States.“
Bericht auf Zaman Al Wasl: „Activists reveal identity of fake Nusra commander interviewed by Todenhofer“)
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