„A major Palestinian news agency linked to the terrorist group Hamas mocked revelers at Tel Aviv’s annual gay pride parade with homophobic slurs in a series of widely-shared Facebook posts. The Gaza-based Shehab News Agency used derogatory terms for gay men and women in its coverage of the LGBT community’s annual parade along the Mediterranean coast, which drew hundreds of thousands of people. The agency called the Israeli city a ‚settlement‘ and claimed that Israel has one of the world’s highest rates of homosexuality, which it described as an ‚anomaly.‘ (…)
According to a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center, 89% of Muslims in the Palestinian territories favor making sharia law—a legal code based on Islamic scriptures, which forbid homosexuality—the official law of their country. A 2013 survey by Pew found that 89% of the same demographic views homosexual behavior as being morally wrong. A survey carried out by the advocacy group Hiddush ahead of Tel Aviv Pride found that 76% of Israelis believe that civil marriage should be available for same-sex couples.“
(The Tower Magazine: „Top Gaza News Agency Mocks Tel Aviv Pride Attendees with Homophobic Slurs“)