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Iran: Frauenrechtlerinnen werden wie Kriminelle behandelt

„The rights of women and children in Iran are increasingly under threat, according to two reports from human rights monitoring groups published this week.  Amnesty International accused Tehran of treating the activities of women’s groups and activists as criminal acts. ‚It is utterly shameful that the Iranian authorities are treating peaceful activists who seek women’s equal participation in decision-making bodies as enemies of the state. Speaking up for women’s equality is not a crime,‘ said Amnesty’s Interim Deputy Middle East and North Africa Programme Director, Magdalena Mughrabi, in a statement released on Wednesday.

‚Rather than addressing Iran’s disturbing record on women’s rights the Iranian authorities have once again opted for repression, accusing women’s rights activists of collusion in western-orchestrated plots in a bid to maintain their discriminatory practices towards women.‘ The rights group has documented more than a dozen women’s rights activists who have been interrogated by the Revolutionary Guards since January 2016. The women have also been threatened with imprisonment on charges related to national security, accused of espionage, and of conspiring with foreign parties to overthrow the government.“

(Bericht auf RUDAW: „Women’s activists treated like criminals in Iran, says rights group“)


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