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Ein Waffenstillstand, der 100 Tote an einem Tag fordert

‚Today we did not get any reports of ceasefire violations,‘ the US State Department spokesperson said dully on Tuesday, while even the Russians conceded that 18 ‚serious violations‘ of the ceasefire were committed, and social media had non-stop reports on dozens of battles with over 100 killed in Syria. 

So how come the Americans don’t know about these violations? Because the American policy in Syria has moved into the realm of imagination: if we just pretend, maybe there will be a ceasefire. Except, this isn‘t a ceasefire. Syria has once more returned to warfare in all of its fronts, with heavy Russian bombings and Assad‘s military or rebel forces alternately making advances. Reality is not pretending. Even though the Americans agreed with the Russians ‚not to discuss‘ the violations – meaning, pretend they‘re not happening. The politically correct version of an alternative reality shatters when it meets the reality on the ground.“ (hier)


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