„Tensions are once again high in the strip. On April 18, a bomb exploded on a Jerusalem bus, injuring 21 people – the first attack of this type since the Second Intifada ended 10 years ago. The Palestinian group in control of Gaza, Hamas, admitted that the culprit, Abd al-Hamid Abu Srour, was a member of its organization. Shortly after the explosion, Israeli security services discovered a 120-foot-deep tunnel running from Gaza to Israel. The tunnels are of particular concern to Israel – it was by using a similar cross-border tunnel that Hamas fighters were able to kidnap Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006, and which Hamas used to hide weaponry and militants during the most recent war. (…)
Mostafa [senior advisor to a Hamas minister] wasn’t coy when I asked him if Hamas is preparing for another war. ‚The military is training,‘ he said. ‚We control all the security in the strip, and we are hidden, so I am sure Israel has few obvious military targets. If they start a war, thousands of civilians will die.‘ (…) He smiled and motioned again to the poster of his dead brother. ‚They are a very weak enemy,‘ he says. ‚Our al-Qassam soldiers hear them shouting in fear when they attack. War is about how religious you are – the al-Qassam soldier knows he is going to heaven so he fights to the end. The Israeli soldier wants to go back to his girlfriend.‘“
(David Patrikarakos: „Hamas Is Ready for War with Israel“)