Die „beste Lehrerin der Welt“, die mit einem Terroristen verheiratet ist (Update)

al hroubVergangenen Freitag hat Mena Watch in einem Beitrag über die Auszeichnung der palästinensischen Pädagogin Hanan Al-Hroub als „beste Lehrerin der Welt“ berichtet und die unkritische Berichterstattung über dieses Ereignis zum Thema gemacht. Zwischenzeitlich hat sich nun UK Media Watch derselben Frage in Bezug auf die britische Medienlandschaft gewidmet: „Will Guardian amend ‚feel-good‘ Palestinian teacher story to note husband’s terror attack?

Jonathan S. Tobin vom Commentary Magazine hat darüber hinaus auch die pädagogischen Inhalte Al-Hroubs einer genaueren Analyse unterzogen: „What’s Palestinian Peace Education?

„But even if we leave the husband out of the discussion, a New York Times feature published today that includes an account of a visit to Hroub’s classroom gives us a taste of what Palestinian peace education means. …

But, in the Hroub classroom, peace education isn’t about how to get along with Israelis and Jews. It’s about teaching the children how to peacefully disagree with each other and their teacher. That’s a good thing for them to learn, especially at a time when so much of Palestinian popular culture and official media encourages violence. But it is not the same thing as promoting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

To the contrary, while Hroub says she doesn’t teach anything about politics, the large map of the region on a wall in the classroom does not acknowledge Israel’s existence. During one exercise mentioned in the Times story, Hroub also took the children for an imaginary drive through Jerusalem. But in her virtual Jerusalem, there are only Muslim and Christian holy sites. The Jewish ones and the two-thirds of the city’s population that is Jewish don’t exist.“

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