Demokratischer Atomdeal-Befürworter: „USA sollten nicht als ‚Handelskammer‘ des iranischen Regimes agieren“

„A Democratic senator who voted for the Iran deal said Thursday that it is not America’s responsibility to promote foreign investment in Iran, despite efforts by Secretary of State John Kerry to encourage investment there. ‚It is Iran’s challenge to demonstrate that their economy is transparent enough, legitimate enough, secure enough, to attract foreign investment,‘ Delaware senator Chris Coons told The Weekly Standard after an event at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. ‚I don’t think it’s our job to act as the chamber of commerce for Tehran.‘ Coons, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, rejected Iranian complaints that the U.S. was not living up to its end of the Iran deal because it was not helping Iran gain access to the international financial system.“

(Jenna Lifhits: „Dem Senator Rebukes Obama Admin: America Shouldn’t Be Iran’s ‚Chamber of Commerce‘“)

Mehr zum thema auf Mena Watch: Obama-Administration drängt Firmen dazu, Geschäfte mit dem Iran zu machen

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