„Syrian government warplanes bombed Kurdish-held areas of the northeastern city of Hasaka on Thursday for the first time in the five-year-old civil war, the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia and a monitoring group said. People’s Protection Units (YPG) spokesman Redur Xelil said the air strikes had hit Kurdish districts of the city, which is mostly controlled by Kurdish groups, and the positions of a Kurdish security force known as the Asayish. (…)
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks the war using a network of activists, said warplanes had targeted Kurdish security forces positions in the northwest and northeast of the Hasaka city. The Observatory also said clashes were taking place in a number of positions around Hasaka. Syria’s complex, multi-sided war has created a patchwork of areas of control across the country, with parts controlled by the government, rebels, Kurdish forces and Islamic State. The YPG makes up a significant portion of the US-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF), a Kurdish and Arab alliance that fights against Islamic State insurgents in Syria.“
(Bericht in der Jerusalem Post: „For first time in conflict, Assad launches airstrikes on US-backed Kurds“)