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Abbas‘ Versuch der Geschichtsklitterung geht nach hinten los

„It seems there is no limit to the lies and outright chutzpah of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who on Sunday presented the king of Saudi Arabia with a strange gift: a framed copy of the front page of a 1932 edition of The Palestine Post. One might wonder what Abbas, who denies any Jewish historical ties to Jerusalem and reportedly complained to the Saudi king about continued Israeli violations of Palestinian land and holy sites, was trying to convey with this gift. Was he insinuating that the newspaper was actually owned by ‚Palestinian Arabs‘ in a Palestinian state? (…)

The Palestine Post was founded in 1932 by Gershon Agron, who, among other Zionist positions, had served as envoy of the World Zionist Organization and was a member of a Jewish Agency delegation. The paper was renamed The Jerusalem Post in 1950, two years after the establishment of the State of Israel.“

(Bericht auf der Webplattform United With Israel: „Abbas Ridiculed for Strange Gift to Saudi King in Attempt to Distort History“)

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