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EU-Partner Türkei erschießt syrische Flüchtlinge

„Eight Syrian refugees have been shot dead by Turkish border guards as they tried to escape war-torn northern Syria, a human rights watchdog has claimed. Three children, four women and one man were killed on Saturday night, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It said a total of 60 Syrian refugees had been shot at the border since the start of the year.

Six of this weekend’s casualties were from the same family, said the observatory’s founder, Rami Abdelrahman. ‚I sent our activists to hospital there, we have video [of the corpses], but we haven’t published it because there are children [involved],‘ he said. The Local Coordination Committees, a network of activists inside Syria, supported the claim, reporting that one of the children was as young as six.

Syrian refugees have been making illegal crossings of the Turkish border as Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon have made it virtually impossible for them to leave Syria legally.“

(Patrick Kingsley: „Turkish border guards kill eight Syrian refugees – reports“)

Mehr zum thema bei Mena Watch: Die „humanitäre Hilfe“ der Türkei: 30 Syrer an der Grenze erschossen

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