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Waffenlieferung des Iran an die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen abgefangen

„U.S. Navy ships in the Arabian Sea intercepted and seized an arms shipment from Iran likely bound for Houthi fighters in Yemen, the military said in a statement on Monday. … White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Monday that Iran’s support for the Houthis is an example of its ‚destabilizing activities‘ in the region, and that the weapons shipment could be raised at the United Nations Security Council. ‚We obviously are concerned about this development, because offering up support to the rebels in Yemen is something that is not at all consistent with U.N. Security Council resolutions,‘ Earnest said. U.S. officials have said in the past that Iran’s direct involvement with the Houthis is limited, but that Iranian military personnel were training and equipping Houthi units.“ (Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters: U.S. Navy says it seized weapons from Iran likely bound for Houthis in Yemen“)

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