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Umdenkprozess nach antisemitischen Äußerungen

Naz Shah und George Galloway (li.)
Naz Shah und George Galloway (li.) (© Imago Images / ZUMA Press)

Im April wurde die britische Labour-Abgeordnete Naz Shah suspendiert, nachdem Tweets aus dem Jahre 2014 bekannt geworden waren, in denen sie vorschlug, den Staat Israel aus dem Nahen Osten in die USA zu verpflanzen und Israel mit den Nazis verglich. Wie es jetzt scheint, handelt es sich bei Shah um einen der wenige Fälle, in denen bei jemandem nach der Tätigung antisemitischer Äußerungen ein Nach- und Umdenkprozess eingesetzt hat. Die britischen Jewish News Online berichten:

„Appearing at Sinai Synagogue in Leeds on Sunday night, she insisted her views had changed since the 2014 post as a result of engaging with the local Jewish community – something she insisted set her apart from her predecessor George Galloway.

‚He used Palestine as a political tool and he never engaged with people. When I engaged with the Synagogue and had conversations that is when I changed. Until we have those conversations we won’t achieve change,‘ she told the audience during her first public appearance at a Jewish event since the controversy erupted.

‚It is my job in the Muslim Community to highlight the issues of anti-Semitism. Going to Auschwitz is a fantastic idea but it won’t fix the problem. We need to educate the community. It’s up to me to own the narrative. To have conversations with the Muslim community [about anti-semitism] and that’s my responsibility.

She told the gathering of 130 community members from Leeds, Bradford and York that she wanted to make a ‚real apology‘ rather than a ‚politician’s apology‘, adding: ‚I looked at myself and asked whether I had prejudice against Jewish people. But I realised I was ignorant and I want to learn about the Jewish faith and culture. I do not have hatred for Jewish people.‘

She said Israel stood out in the Middle East as a democracy. And questioned by QC Simon Myerson, Shah said she had been clear about Israel’s right to exist before her election and in conversations with constituents. ‚I absolutely agree that Israel has a right to defend itself,‘ she added.“

(Justin Cohen: „Suspended MP Naz Shah tells synagogue: ‚I was ignorant about Judaism‘“)

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