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Also aufgepasst Japaner, Vietnamesen, Native Americans, Juden, Afrikaner!

Von Bernd Beier

dabiq 15Unter dem Titel „The green pill: ‚Political correctness’ and jihad“ hat der US-amerikanische linke Autor Ross Wolfe einen Auszug aus der neuesten Ausgabe der Propagandapostille Dabiq des „Islamischen Staats“ veröffentlicht und kommentiert: „Anscheinend denkt das sogenannte Kalifat, dass die westlichen Nationen in ihrem Imperialismus zu soft waren. Oder aber von Liberalismus und ‚Political Correctness‘ so korrumpiert, dass sie sich verpflichtet fühlten, sich Jahre später für ihre Missetaten zu entschuldigen.“

Das aber sei der Unterschied zwischen „Kreuzzüglern“ und „Mujaheddin“, ist in Dabiq zu lesen:

The clear difference between Muslims and the corrupt and deviant Jews and Christians is that Muslims are not ashamed of abiding by the rules sent down from their Lord regarding war and enforcement of divine law. So if it were the Muslims, instead of the Crusaders, who had fought the Japanese and Vietnamese or invaded the lands of the Native Americans, there would have been no regrets in killing and enslaving those therein. And since those mujahidin would have done so bound by the Law, they would have been thorough and without some ‘politically correct’ need to apologize years later.“ 

In Gottes Namen und zur Durchsetzung des göttlichen Gesetzes wäre die Geschichte nicht so glimpflich verlaufen, hätten „die Muslime“ a.k.a. Mujaheddin a.k.a. Soldaten des Kalifats ihren Verlauf bestimmt, heißt es sodann.

Also aufgepasst, Japaner! „The Japanese, for example, would have been forcefully converted to Islam from their pagan ways. Had they stubbornly declined, perhaps another nuke would change their mind.“ 

Aufgepasst, Vietnamesen! „The Vietnamese would likewise be offered Islam or beds of napalm.“

Aufgepasst, Native Americans! „As for the Native Americans: after the slaughter of their men, those who would favor smallpox to surrendering to the Lord would have their surviving women and children taken as slaves, with the children raised as model Muslims and their women impregnated to produce a new generation of mujahidin.“

Aufgepasst, Juden! „As for the treacherous Jews of Europe and elsewhere – those who would betray their covenant – then their post-pubescent males would face a slaughter that would make the Holocaust sound like a bedtime story, as their women would be made to serve their husbands’ and fathers’ killers.“ 

Aufgepasst, Afrikaner! „Furthermore, the lucrative African slave trade would have continued, supporting a strong economy.”

Und all das selbstverständlich nur aus Liebe: „All of this would be done, not for racism, nationalism, or political lies, but to make the word of Allah supreme. Jihad is the ultimate show of one’s love for his Creator.”

Artikel zuerst erschienen auf Jungle Blog.

Mehr zum Thema auf Mena Watch: Warum der Islamische Staat den Westen hasst

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