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Die antisemitischen Stereotype der Süddeutschen Zeitung

„Titled, ‚Israel suffers for its cycle of revenge,‘ an article last week by the newspaper’s Israel-based correspondent, Peter Münch, quoted from an interview with Said Zidani, a Palestinian philosophy professor at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, in which he said Palestinians murder Israelis not only out of ‚desperation but [as] an act of resistance…‘ According to the article, Zidani’s remarks did not amount to justifying the violence. Experts on anti-Semitism thought differently. ‚Such headlines project classical anti-Jewish stereotypes onto the Jewish state,‘ Prof. Monika Schwarz-Friesel told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. Schwarz-Friesel has made an exhaustive study of anti-Semitic language in Germany. ‚The stereotype of Jewish revenge/vengefulness is an age-old Judeophobia concept that was articulated by the National Socialists,’ she said. … Schwarz-Friesel, a professor of linguistics at the Technical University of Berlin, said the key question is: ‚Why does a German newspaper’s editorial office continue to consistently have the potential to evoke anti-Semitic thoughts and feelings in its headlines and articles regarding Israel and remain unfazed by all criticism of the rhetoric?‘“ (Der Journalist Benjamin Weinthal in der Jerusalem Post über einen Artikel der Süddeutschen Zeitung: German paper uses Nazi language to blame Israel for Palestinian terrorism)


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