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Abbas behauptet zu wissen, wer Arafat ermordet habe

abbas_murderer_arafat„Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday he knew who killed Yasser Arafat as he marked the 12th anniversary of the former leader’s death but stopped short from giving a name. Speaking in front of thousands, Abbas said ‚you ask me who killed him, I know – but my testimony alone is not enough.‘ ‚A commission of inquiry is digging into that, but you’ll find out at the earliest opportunity and be amazed when you know who did it.‘ ‚I do not want to mention names, because these names do not deserve to be remembered,‘ he added. (…) The Palestinians have long accused Israel of poisoning [Arafat], charges the Israeli government firmly denies. (…)

Abbas and his longtime rival Mohammed Dahlan have both accused each other of complicity in Arafat’s death in the past. Abbas’s comments came with some Arab countries reportedly pressuring the 81-year-old to allow Dahlan, who has been in exile in the United Arab Emirates, to return to the West Bank. Those moves come amid talk of who will succeed Abbas. Sources in Abbas’ Fatah movement said Arafat’s death could be discussed at the party’s seventh annual conference, with the commission of inquiry potentially announcing its conclusions. The conference will be held on November 29.“ (Bericht auf The Daily Star Lebanon: „Palestinian president says he knows who killed Arafat“)


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